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  •  273th 文 楊茜雯

                                          作者為 達明醫院呼吸照護病房醫師











  • 273th 柬埔寨義診 回顧謝宗芯 Judith Hsieh

     273th 文 / 謝宗芯 Judith Hsieh 義工

    The clock reads 7 o’clock as I stand amongst a group of strangers each with a name tag I read all but one same word: stranger #1, stranger #2, and stranger #3. Some seem to know what they are doing, while others look nervously on in a total lost. And there am I. With my khaki top tucked perfectly into my black pants and a wide smile concealing my nervous mind (yes, imagine Russell’s outfit in Pixar’s film Up), I bear an unmistakable resemblance to a new Girl Scout on her first mission: excited, nervous, and totally unprepared. Just like that, this team of thirty-two strangers waves goodbye to Taiwan. Thus begins this eager Girl Scout’s trip: a nine day journey from being clueless to still clueless. Well…with a couple irreplaceable flashback in between.


    Flashback #1: It is often recommended to know where you are headed before you hop on a flight. I guess it is okay to not know, too…only sometimes.


    As the EVA air flight 266 fly steadily along the Pacific, the thirty-two passengers are already hard at work with heads bending low, hands scribbling away. Three intimidating sheets of paper coded with scribbles in Cambodian lie facing each of us with big, colorful words on top that read CAMBODIA CUSTOMS AND VISA. I don’t think it would be wrong to say many, if not all, of us experienced some version of the following struggle:


    Name: Check. Birthday: Check. Easy. Gender: Check. Flight Number: Hmm. Not quite sure, but it must be BR 2-something? Destination: Got me. No idea. Can’t really just write Cambodia, can I?


    It’s Phnom Penh: the earthy, checkered land greeting us from below our aircraft with its brown rivers cutting through the desolate farm lands, also known as the city and heart of Cambodia. Thinking back, it wouldn’t be wrong to write “Cambodia” as our destination. After all, Phnom Penh is only our launching point into the truly needy country-sides of Cambodia. Phnom Penh isn’t a destination but merely a springboard into our journey. Next stop: the bus.


    Flashback #2: Cambodian MTV: Best icebreaker. Brainwashing machine. Best means of cultural assimilation.


    Our red bus with its never ending Cambodian MTV replays has grown on me. As many of us slumber off to sleep on the six hour long trip to FRA (our home for the week) and the daily drives to various villages, the high pitched one-of-its-kind Cambodian music plays on beneath the symphonies of snores from the human instruments on the bus. With the bumpy dirt roads (with occasional slips, drifts, and slides on rainy days) rocking us along the way, the red bus is truly an absolute cradle. A cradle of memories I’m sure all of us will remember dearly.


    Flashback #3: I speak Cambodian. No, not really, not at all, but I know… charades.


    I must admit I am totally at a lost on the first day facing the sea of children and adults waiting and kneeling in the sticky yellow dirt in front of the temple, not to mention the workers still hammering in the final nails of the construction right above our heads. I am beyond clueless on what to do. So exactly how do we communicate with the villagers? Thousands of questions flood my mind. Thanks to the more experienced volunteers, we begin work: the big game of charades. My mediocre acting skills come into play quite well. The gentle sweep of the arm meaning “please follow me to the registration desk”, my awkward hop onto the scale telling them to “weigh themselves please”, and the most frequent occurrence of all, my signature beam under the surgical mask (that I now realize they probably wouldn’t have seen!) confessing my absolute lost at what they are trying to tell me in their flow of foreign Cambodian tongue. I realize a change within me as the week fly by. By the end of the weeklong experience, I feel the barrier and insecurity within myself fade as I meet each person one at a time. It’s definitely not that I am any more fluent in Cambodian (I still know absolutely none today). With a smile, a sincere heart, and maybe some natural talent in playing charades, nothing is impossible.


    Lesson #4: This trip will stay with me forever.


    An experience like this will stay dear to me for many years to come. Putting off doing laundry the real old fashioned way under pumped water, dodging the mosquitoes while showering, struggling to kneel properly in the bathroom, and forgetting exactly what day it is already, there are so many more epic moments from this trip. All joking aside, what shape this trip is the people I have the privilege of working alongside with. Shout out to all thirty-two amazing people who open my eyes on this trip to the amazing knowledge, skill, passion, and last but not least, humor you all possess. Totaling at more than 500 patients per day and still smiling and joking around at the end of the day, I truly admire each and every one of you.


    Remember that moment when we stand in the bathroom wondering at the cubical, the sink, and basically the modern world at the end of our journey. I see in the mirror reflections of a whole new world. My neatly tucked-in shirt from day one has long since become untucked from many days of hard work and sweat. The name tags on each person alongside me no longer read “stranger” but names and faces I will remember for a long time to come. The only thing that remains constant is my somewhat quirkiness and cluelessness. With a tweak to Ellie Fredricksen’s quote from the movie Up, I must say, “Thanks for the adventure. I’m ready for another one!”

     Ellie Fredricksen is Carl’s (the old man) wife from Pixar’s film, Up. She died early and left a note in her and Carl’s photo book saying, “Thank you for the adventure. Now go have a new one.” Here is a link to see it if you are not familiar with Up!


  •  239th 文 / 孫麗麗 護理師

    作者為 和信醫院加護病房 護理師





    純真的孩童們  排隊等著看病













  •  233th 文 / 黃旭昇

    作者為 中央社記者
































  • 幫助他人 充實自己彭若芸 護理師

     232th 文 / 彭若芸 護理師

    作者為 新光醫院外科加護病房護理師
















  • 232th Mission倪百安

     232th 文 / 倪百安


    Taiwan Root Medical Peace Corps (TRMPC) is a non-governmental organization committed to improving the livelihood of people all around the world by providing free medical care and health education. The organization was founded in 1995 by Dr. Chi-Chun Liu and is composed of a team of highly talented medical personnel and passionate volunteers.

    On Saturday April 16th and Sunday April 17th the organization held activities for indigenous tribes living in the Nantou and Taizhong regions. I was fortunate enough to join the activities and was positioned with three other volunteers to help Dr. Qiu provide dental care. As a recent graduate looking to pursue a career in the medical field this was a unique and invaluable experience.

    After a long early morning drive, we reached the village of Cifeng at 9:30 am. Volunteers, Doctors, Dentists, Nurses, Chefs, and TRMPC staff unloaded the trucks and prepared to give medical treatment to those indigenous villagers of Cifeng. Our dental care team only saw one patient: a middle aged man with an aching tooth. After a thorough inspection and teeth cleaning, Dr. Qiu recommended a cavity filling. After receiving the patient’s consent, Dr. Qiu provided an anesthetic shot and quickly filled the cavity. Since we only saw one patient there was plenty of time for conversation; I learned that in addition to coffee, tea and soda, soy-sauce is also a major contributor of stained teeth.

    The next activity in Hongxiang was genuinely one of the most unique learning experiences of my life. We provided treatment for the entire two and half hours and saw a total of eight patients: two toddlers, three older children, a pair of adolescent sisters, and one mother. All of the children had a variety of problems with their teeth (not surprising since they were all sucking on lollipops just prior to the check-up); however, only two of the children allowed Dr. Qiu to provide the necessary dental care. The youngest toddler (two years old) kicked and screamed for nearly twenty minutes before Dr. Qiu decided to take the matter into his own hands. Dr. Qiu asked the child’s mother to walk away and then gave the child a firm warning; the child was instantly calm and obedient. I realized that if you truly want to help someone it is necessary to be firm at times and not always appease. You also need to recognize when there is a lost cause, as Dr. Qiu did with two of the older unwilling children.

    Our next location was Cuiluan. We saw a total of six patients: two children and four adults. Dr. Qiu recommended a tooth pulling for a couple of the patients, but he did not want to do it himself at that time. He is opposed pulling teeth out at night because he doesn’t want the patient to experience any potentially dangerous mishaps during/just prior to sleep.

    On our way to Huanshan the road conditions were so terrible that our four-wheel drive SUV was unable to make it up. After a few tries we decided to take an alternate path. We eventually made it to Huanshan (an hour later than expected) and began setting up for the final activity. The dental team saw eight patients, six adults and two children. Everyone received a basic check-up and/or teeth cleaning and one child had a tooth pulled. The child was completely calm and well-behaved the entire time. He was asked several times if he felt any pain and each time replied with a negative. To be able to directly view Dr. Qiu give an anesthetic and pull a tooth was another great learning opportunity.

    I can tell you from direct experience that patience, focus and determination are three necessary traits needed to succeed in the health field. 

  •  231th 文 / 倪百安


      On Saturday March 26th the Taiwan Root Medical Peace Corps hosted another weekend-activity full of giving, friendship, respect and of course medical treatment! For a first-time volunteer it was quite an experience!

      A variety of volunteers –doctors, dentists, chefs, students, drivers, children, parents and the like –met at National Taiwan Normal University at 2:45 a.m. Despite the painfully early timing, everyone was in good spirits. We checked in, received name-tags and headed south towards Miao Li County.

      After a steep climb and a stop for breakfast, we finally made it to the mountain village of Tiangou at 8:00 am. The village was placed in a luscious backdrop and a chilling haze; seemingly feral cats and dogs wandered in search of food, birds and insects sang and the villagers welcomed us with a curious smile.

      We grabbed tables and chairs, boxes and bags, clothes and shoes and medicine and medical tools from one large storage truck and at nine o’clock began providing free medical treatment to the indigenous mountain villagers.

      After the villagers registered with the staff, our team of doctors and volunteers checked their blood pressure, height and weight and any illnesses/soreness they were dealing with at the time. After a thorough inspection the doctors prescribed an appropriate medication.  

      I was lucky enough to enjoy an extensive conversation with Dr. Sylvia Chen. We discussed a variety of topics including health-care in Taiwan, Chinese and Western Medicine, and volunteering in general. She had nothing but good things to say about the this activity;

    This is the first time I joined the activity, actually I felt so happy. I really admire this group. They all showed their passion for helping people and cooperated so well, especially the people who helped us prepare the food.  It was so delicious and really touched my heart , the temperature is so low and we always have hot food, hot water and hot soup; I am really thankful… The activity also included some families and I thought this was a great opportunity for family to hang-out together, also a good opportunity to educate the children. (Sylvia Chen, April 9, 2010)

      Moreover, we were accompanied by a Dentist who was able to provide free dental care for those villagers that needed it most. After seeing the Dentist pull one child’s tooth, I asked her if there was anything strange or difficult about doing dental work in the middle of the mountains. She said, “no, not really…the organization has really great equipment, so they make it easy for me.”The equipment must be great because the child was all smiles afterwards!

      On top of providing free medical and dental care, we also gave out toys, clothes, shoes and food! After receiving treatment and grabbing their share of goods, the villagers were full of joy and content. We closed shop around 12:00 pm, and after a delicious home-cooked meal made our way from to Tiangou to Da An.

      We conducted similar activities in Da An, Zhumei, and Hua Yuan over a span of 2 days, and on Sunday afternoon headed back to Taipei. Although it wasn’t always easy, it was certainly a very enjoyable and worthwhile experience!

  •  231th 文 / 施怡如

    作者為 中國醫藥大學附設醫院











  • 天涯俠醫在南非義診賴怡君 護理師

     229 文/賴怡君 護理師

    作者為 林口長庚紀念醫院 11A大腸直腸外科護理師







        因為義診,而讓我學習到團隊精神(Team Work)的重要,彼此之間互相包容體諒及幫忙,一件事情便很快完成。在義診活動裡,我的工作內容為牙科助理,從旁協助醫生看診及器械遞予和清潔消毒,在這過程中,牙醫師們了解資源與環境的有限,會視情況調配人力休息與工作角色輪換,讓每個人有喘息的時間。







  •  229th 文/陳明珠






    此行兩星期,真正上工的時間卻不到4天,要認真算的話只有兩整天及兩個半天,但義診的人數遠超過七百人,還稍有一點點的安慰,若不是台商於公、於私的熱情相挺,哪能有這樣的成果?於南非總統的家鄉-MbBmgolwane(請查證 似乎不是這樣拼,前有文章拼正確)之義診,在第一天勘查環境及就診動線後,與修女、神父相約於次日開始義診,但我們卻因故失信,導致隔天盡力排除困難前往時,候診的民眾寥寥無幾,後來經由口耳相傳,下午及次日來就診的人就絡繹不絕了。







    mi�>��� @ ","serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; color:blue'>離開淑女鎮前,我們去了賴索托,一個原本應該工作一天的地方。相較於南非,一走進賴索托,就可體會生活環境的落差,與貧富懸殊。沿路上許多熱情的笑容和問好聲,讓我更覺得可惜,因為外交困境,使我們沒有機會停下腳步,和賴索托的土地與居民接觸。



    離開淑女鎮後,我們到了祖魯蘭(Zulu land),一個充滿南非原住民特色的區域。這幾天的義診活動也不如預期的順利,因為天氣不好、路況不穩,使我們的司機不願意載我們上山。晚上,我和室友做了一個晴天娃娃,祈禱天氣好轉;沒想到,即使太陽高高掛,和司機仍然無法達成共識。大家在民宿的草地上「大眼瞪小眼」將近兩天,幾位台灣大哥和連加恩醫師也不停的聯絡。













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